Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

This package bundles data objects and repositories for common web application components.
A .NET Core client for
流量限制基础版本 1、新增异常数据统计 2、新增对响应时间的告警和日志支持 Release 2020-4-23 1、修复某些情况下,出现死锁的bug Release 2020-5-8 1、触发流控异常时,异常对象新增资源属性,方便处理
Redis 缓冲日志记录库 1、把日志记录时间改为UTC时间
Package Description
Jsut a lot of ASP Core 3+ helpers for common shared purposes. Package will be updated whenever we feel something needs to be general available for Daroke's projects
Package Description
Database migration tool for Sql Server.
Package Description
Package Description
Zero Mq contract based wrappers
Moogie.Events is a simple observer pattern implementation of events and listeners. It is designed to help you decouple key parts of your application without ever getting in your way.
Package Description
The C# Bitcoin Library
.NET API client for IGDB
Helpful resources for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core logging using various logger frameworks and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger interface.
A framework for attribute-based message routing.
Allows connecting to Loxone Miniserver from .NET application. Listen to changes and execute commands.