Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Collection of usefull tools
.Net Core扩展库
REST client for Azure DevOps Services (Visual Studio Team Services)
A Moonrise logging provider that uses the DNC Microsoft Extensions Logging
Package Description
Auditor that outputs to the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging framework
Package Description
A collection of helpers for application distributed and updated using Squirrel.Windows
Logger for SqlServer
Package Description
Extensions.Logging.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` ILoggerFactory factory=new LoggerFactory.AddProvider(new StringListLoggerProvider()) ILogger logger= factory.CreateLogger("Test1"); ...tests... ; StringListLogger.Instance .LoggedLines .ShouldContain(...
A library containing classes for common uses in logging and tracing, metrics collection, across any .NET project.
Package Description