Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 4746
helper classes to facilitate data migration to and from NoDb storage
Handlebars Provider for Geek Learning Templating Abstractions.
An http gateway for Microsoft Orleans, implemented as standarad aspnet core middleware.
A simple Steam client, providing a C# wrapper around the default Steam web API.
Http Extension for Nancy to access AspNetCore's HttpContext
Created Nuget package
Created Nuget package
A full featured implementation of the API reference.
The Vanguard Framework is a framework for developing database driven web applications and web services. It combines a set of design patterns and best practices to kick start your project.
Apache NMS ActiveMQ health monitor for Greentube.Monitoring allowing probes and health check of ActiveMQ brokers
Key value configuration extensions library
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Aspnet Core Webhook midlleware
A Github and Appveyor webhooks predefined.
CHIMP Magic Lantern camera metadata providers
CHIMP 400plus camera metadata providers
CHIMP EOS camera metadata providers