Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

Contiene las interfaces y modulos necesarios para las diferentes restricciondes del SDK del curso realizado por CodeDesignPlus
Package Description
Blazor framework for rapid development of the program. Include Common Control base class, and interactions associated logic. Separation of interface and business logic. As a basic framework to use.
With this Nuget package you can easily mark your service interfaces with ServiceScope anotation and this package will automatically register them on startup
GoSMS Core library for working with sms API.
DCMS utils
A Style and Css builder for Blazor and ASP.NET Core web applications inspired by the classnames javascript library.
This library allows you to use constructor dependency injection (and perform Inversion of Control) with the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
RAMCache a simple cache in-memory for .Net
1.日志压缩 2.日志文件保存7天 3.日志级别
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (IServiceProvider) support for UpbeatUI. UpbeatUI is an open-source lightweight MVVM framework for quickly developing multi-level touch based Windows applications on top of the WPF framework.
Fast download from files to the browser from Blazor without any javascript library reference or dependency.
A simple object-to-object mapping library that can be used to map objects belonging to dissimilar types.
A dotnet implementation of TOTP.
Paykan extensions to integrate with microsoft dependency injection
Provides Serilog backend for invocation logging via AutoImport.
FileSystem abstractions with ASP.NET registration