Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

AspNetCore extensions library,includes function as logging, HTTP requests, authentication token management, parallel queue processing, and more
Facilitates production and messaging for Kafka.
A simple DI service to build JWT token.
Email service implementation for sending emails via SES
Email service implementation for sending emails via SendGrid
Package Description
Provides Mocks in IServiceCollection and IServiceProvider
Use this middleware package to integrate IDF Connect SSO Gateway with your ASP.NET Core application.
Extend contract extension.
Package Description
FastCoding是集成EF Core、Jwt授权、依赖注入、Serilog日志、AutoMapper实现的快速构建 core项目的基础类库
Package Description
Mongo as a queue
This is an simplified emaling provider using .NET smtp client.
An extension to the graphql-dotnet library to allow easy creation of GraphQL endpoints in a style similar to ASP.Net Core controllers
Package Description
Light Dependency Injection Manager
Package Description
Package Description