Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 4746

Provides a DbContext base class for auditing changes in an Entity Framework Core database context.
Dapper wrapper to save database exceptions
Blazor hook into native Window beforeunload with async/await and cancel support.
A default implementation of the Dynamensions.Navigation.Abstractions.INavigationService for UWP apps.
This assembly adds simple support for keyed services to an IServiceProvider. This is primarily intended to add support for keyed services to Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.
ILdapHelper implementation for cloudscribe Core LDAP authentication support
.NET Core ultra lightweight event bus implementation
CLI web interface for your application as a middleware
Support for dependency injection mechanism commonly used in ASP.NET Core.
Interfaces for SimpleBotFramework
该项目是用于分析 「动漫花园」 网站的 Nuget 包。 项目使用 HtmlAgilityPack 解析「动漫花园」所爬取到的网页数据。
Incident Management module for CBot framework. Allows incidents to be declared and tracked using Azure storage.
Extension library for verifying .NET Core IOptions configuration objects during runtime/startup.
Contains implementation of storage services using local file system.
Contains implementation of storage services using Amazon S3.
Contains implementation of SMS sending service using SmsCentre provider.
Contains abstraction for SMS sending service.
Contains permissions validation services.
Contains automatic model mapping services.