Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration

Total dependencies: 2991

Cocon90.Db是由Cocon90.Db.Common为核心的类库与其它数据库操作库组合而成,以方便调用为主要目的,支持ORM操作,增、删、改、查、事务、批量执行、创建表、插入或保存记录 等等,并提供多种数据库支持。当前已支持Mysql、Sqlite、SqlServer。
Event store client wrapper for sample applications
阿里云短信扩展库。 官方网址: 开源库地址: 博客地址: 交流QQ群:85318032 小店地址:
CosmosDB (DocumentDB) database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
A handy collection of utilties for working with JSON, settings, and more.
.NET Core port of sjdirect/abot. Abot is an open source C# web crawler built for speed and flexibility. It takes care of the low level plumbing (multithreading, http requests, scheduling, link parsing, etc..). You just register for events to process the page data. You can also plugin your own implem...
Sentry error reporting middleware for ASP.NET Core.
Implementation of Google's Recaptcha v2.0 for MVC 6 (dnx451 and dnxcore)
Dependency Injection package for using RavenDB with ASP.NET Core.
KdSoft.Services.Security.AspNet Class Library
.NET GrayLog logging client library
A helper library to provide rapid development flexibility to .net developers.
Key value configuration extensions library
Veracity authentication for applications based on ASP.NET Core
A caching library for redis.
Package Description
Improved api to start any api project.