Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore

Total dependencies: 4049

Entity Framework Core implementation for Service layer
Entity Framework Core implementation for pagination
Entity Framework implementation of Data layer
Interface and abstract class for patterns
Package Description
TestWell is a framework for spinning up environments for the purpose of local integration testing.
Lightweight implementation of Repository pattern with the help of auto-mapper
A Simple attribute based DI mapper for dotnet core.
Package Description
An Automaty based generator for Entity Framework Core repositories. Creates strongly typed repositories based on the IModel of your context.
It's the heart of Loria solution.
Woodman.EntityFrameworkCore.Bulk provides bulk operations for SQLServer, Npgsql, and In Memory Entity Framework providers.
EntityDbContext and EntityBase with BeforeSave/AfterSave hooks.
ACR Entity Framework Core Extensions
Implementation of Authentication package for Entity Framework Core
Aims to provide an easy way to create a collection of filters inside .NET Core for a set of entities, and to provide context-sensitive information when data-constraints are being applied.
FeralExpressionsCore defines the expansion method .Inline() which can be called on either an expression, or an IQueryable. It replaces method calls in the expression with the method body. In order for this to work, the method must (a) be declared in a partial class (b) have an expression body (c)...
This library helps using CosmosDB to developers...