Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Total dependencies: 4049
Ralms.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle is an ORM, created at the top of the ODP.NET for .Net Core. It allows you to use Entity Framework Core 2.X
A repository context provider for the Entity Framework Core.
BeatPulse.UI Is a ASP.NET Core UI viewer of BeatPulse liveness.For more information see
dotnet core mysql帮助类库
EntityFrameworkCore 的扩展,通过反射注册实体模型。
ASP.NET Core 2.1 Framework for rapidly constructing web applications
The Data Model for
Devon4Net.Domain.Context contains the extended class Devon4NetBaseContext in order to make easier the process of having a model context configured against different database engines. This configuration allows an easier testing configuration against local and in memory databases.
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of commands and queries for Dynamic Authorization Policies for ASP.NET Core
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe ILogRepository, using snake case tables and fields