Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Total dependencies: 1669

Lynicon CMS is a modern, extensible, hypermodular CMS which provides CMS facilities to ASP.Net Core on .Net Core 2.0/2.1 (.Net Standard 2.0) or .Net 4.6.1+. This package is the core system which contains all the essential functions required for CMS, sufficient to build a small site or application. ...
Fluent Stored Procedure Extensions for EntityFrameworkCore
Entity Framework Core Factory Pattern, DbContext with desired Db Transaction level when reading writing. and no transaction when readonly context. on any error the transaction will automatically rollback until you commit it
Extends Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer with bulk insert capabilities.
Package Description
Mobiroller All EF Database Entities
Hcf 数据访问组件,封装SqlServer数据访问功能的实现
Type library for TTW Design App
Enables reverse engineering an EF Core model from a data-tier application package (DACPAC).
Package Description
A Channel Express layer that creates a new EF DbContext using the existing SqlConnection + SqlTransaction in Terralect.ChannelExpress.SqlScope's ISqlConnectionScope. You can then inject IDbContextScope to access your DbContext. SaveChanges() on the DbContext will be handled automatically.
EntityFrameworkCore plugin for the lightweight and flexible Repository / UnitOfWork framework.
This is a stripped down version of main BizBook.Common.Library library. This library only supports the index attribute of Entity Framework Core.
Package Description
The package contains useful utilities for development with Entity Framework Core on SQL Server.
A utility library containing extensions to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
Database for Platina integration-data, Region Örebro län.
DomainWorkflows database storage implementation based on Entity Framework