Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Mantle for Ninject

Total dependencies: 16

This library contains the necessary components for accessing Azure service bus and storage queues via the common Mantle messaging interface.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) via the common Mantle messaging interface.
This library contains the components necessary for logging events to a Mantle publishing endpoint.
This library contains support for Mantle dictionary storage on the Windows Azure platform.
This library contains a basic template for a Windows Service host.
This library contains a basic template for a Mantle worker console host.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Azure blob storage via the common Mantle storage interface.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Microsoft Windows Service Bus via the common Mantle messaging interface.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Microsoft Message Queueing (MSMQ) via the common Mantle messaging interface.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing Amazon AWS S3 storage via the common Mantle storage interface.
This library contains a basic template for a Mantle Azure Cloud Service worker role host.
This library contains the necessary components for accessing the Microsoft Windows file system via the common Mantle storage interface.
This library contains the base Mantle components used for interacting with the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
This library contains the base Mantle logging components.
This library contains support for in-memory Mantle dictionary storage.
This library contains the base Mantle messaging components.