Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on lz4net

Total dependencies: 52

.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client)
NengLong's Learn Material for Yi Ke Tang
A modern, feature-rich and highly tunable C# client library for Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise. We have added multitenacy support for POCO Part.
A modern, feature-rich and highly tunable C# client library for YugaByte DB
DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
This package includes a mostly complete port of the MessagePack(for more info see: assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.
High Performance .NET Kafka Client
.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client)
.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client).Modify datareader and you can use stackexchange dapper.
aliyun log sdk c# netcore
LightNode(as Micro REST/RPC Framework) Formatter for JSON by Jil + LZ4.
JSON+LZ4 ValueConverter for CloudStructures(a Redis Client as wrapped StackExchange.Redis).
Sockets Server/Client Library