Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net
Total dependencies: 3011
基于Log4Net实现日志记录 - 基础开发服务框架
log4net integration
Catty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework for C#.
imStudio Portable Library
Simple log4net appender which logs to the API from your WebApi application.
log4net logger for MailSafer
The SIPSorcery project is an experiment into the depths of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The project is a combination of the source code available here on CodePlex and a live service hosted at The project has its roots in a previous mysipswitch pr...
Common.Log adapter for log4net.
A library for making hipchat bots.
A Log4Net implementation of the logger used in Atlas.ServiceBus
A Log4Net implementation of the logger used in Atlas.Persistence
Provides an object renderer to integrate with log4net to dump exceptions (or any/all object types) using the ObjectPrinter.
Also provides a log4net type inspector to prevent prevent dumping log4net objects that should be converted to strings.
Extends Zirpl's Logging with a Log4Net implementation.
An implementation of Helpful.CircuitBreaker.Events for logging breaker events to log4net.
A C# Common Components
Basic log4net Policy injection framework for Unity
Helper utilities for BizTalk to be able to communicate with Microservices created using the AppFx.Microservices frameworks envelope pattern