Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

System class wrappers making work with classes such XmlSerializer or Enum easier.
ImageVault 4 server side components for EPiServer CMS 7.
MSSQL persistence for Cronus
This is an alternative version of the GELF4NET package. Its has updated libraries and more configuration option, also a fix for AMQPAppender.
Declarative syntax for piping data in Azure Service Bus Message queues and other technologies.
ASP.NET Web API library part of Georadix.NET, a framework for building great .NET apps.
Visual Studio integration for SrcML.NET
A small, lightweight, embeddable HTTP / WebSocket server for .NET applications.
MediatR request decorator that adds request and response logging with log4net
Extension and helper methods that make working with log4net and Asp.Net Web API easier
fsharp implementation of Optimalbits/bull
A micro framework for .net
vs2010 + nuget port of
simple and high-performance general server framework on .net framework
Test Nuget package that demonstrates how to create and publish a package. The project is a demo of an optional logging pattern that is described in the linked blog post.