Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

微信通用类库,包括公众号、企业号、小程序、商户号 修复linux环境下配置文件路径问题
A log4net appender that writes events to version 1 of the NewRelic Logs API.
Para Mandar colas A Rabbit Con resilencia
Permite gravar logs da aplicação.
Helper library with logger manager, result object, any helper extensions
An API for quick and easy parsing of Player Journal log entries in the game Elite: Dangerous
An API for quick and easy monitoring of Player Journal log entries in the game Elite: Dangerous
MongoDB appender for log4net
log4net AdoNetAppender for .NET Core.
Log4Net library for logging to entities
Plugin for .net that allows you to easily integrate all testing activities with HP ALM without having to write a single line of code
Custom log4Net Appender to send logs to Loggly
Custom log4Net Appender to send logs to Loggly
Package Description