Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net
Total dependencies: 3011
Collection of utility classes that provide functionalities like
* StringValueAttribute for Enums
* Cryptography helper for password encryption and decryption
* Start-Process assembly for invocation of processes via Interop/CreateProcessWithLogo...
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Class library to collect some helpful functionality.
Test Support elements for developing well achitected, developer focussed Umbraco solutions with Umbraco.Pylon.
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Framework de persistencia baseado no NHibernate, que faz todo tratamento necessário para CRUD para bancos ORACLE, SQLSERVER, MySQL e PostGreSQL
Provides similar Behavior-Driven test coding experience as the known Jasmine JavaScript test framework.
Log4net provider to log to azure table storage
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
Common .net (C#) code library for dow windows development team. This component wrap the log4net for logging. Developer can use the interface: Logger. The component is base on .net 4.5 and Log4net.
It is a Fay Logging facade for the log4net. This facade provides a simple delegate logging API making logging easier, while helping to make sure any of the code required to generate a log message is not executed unless the logging level is within scope.
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
This package contains the common DTOs used in different services.
This package contains the Aco service common messages.
Gelf log4net appender