Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery

Total dependencies: 1540

This contents of this package has been moved to the AspNet.ScriptManager.jQuery package.
My package description.
Package for helping with rapid development of Bootstrap MVC sites
MVC4 Mobile Rapid Templating Helpers
"Drag And Drop Image Upload" by Ajax / Drag and Drop API / FormData API, with sample.
- auf dem Modernizr wird nur der Test für touch benötigt, hier kann man also auch seine eigene Version erstellen und nutzen. - Auf einem Gerät was Touch verwendet, kann einfach per swipeleft oder swiperight auf dem Slider selbst zur nächsten Folie gewechselt werden - Einfach alle js und css Dateien ...
Allows getting the content written by script files which use the document.write() method. Originally created to support the SignalR chat sample application when adding content providers for reading entries from pastie or git. Sample usage: $('<div/>').captureDocumentWrite('
Utils and helper classes for ASP.NET MVC Platform using with EF 4.1, Unity and so on.
Creates a "selected" function that you can use with a <select> object and jQuery to fire off a custom function when an item is selected. $('#MyDropDown').selected(function() { //Do Whatever... });
JavaScript library for accessing the Membership, Roles, and Profiles REST-style service
Helping style challenged developers blunder into awesomeness. Adds a new Layout, Grids, editor templates, HTML5Boilerplate and HTML5 attributes.
jQuery base for scalable JavaScript application. Will install official jQuery and jQuery.Migrate nugets and then will configure config.js file (if present)
This controller for Joshua CMS, use content's path to filter pages from url.
Joshua 3.0 Comments plugin, let you add comments to your contents.
Joshua 3.0 ContactForm plugin