Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on jQuery Validation
Total dependencies: 167
The Syncfusion UI components for JavaScript (Essential JS 1) contains comprehensive suite of HTML5 and JavaScript components for enterprise web development. Essential JS 1 components are built on top of the jQuery library. This package contains more than 70 components, including grid, charts, diagra...
Contains static assets for Serenity web applications
ExpressiveAnnotations is a small .NET and JavaScript library which provides full-stack, annotation-based, conditional validation mechanisms. Given attributes, powered by expressions engine, allow to forget about imperative way of step-by-step verification of validation conditions in many cases. Sinc...
Dotnet Report is a powerful .NET Embedded Analytics and Reporting Solution that simplifies adding customizable, user-friendly report-building and data visualization features to your ASP.NET Web Applications. Designed for developers, it offers seamless integration, intuitive interfaces, and robust re...
Plugin Manager user account plugin
The Bold Reports by Syncfusion UI components for JavaScript contain Report Viewer and Report Designer HTML5 and JavaScript components for enterprise web development. Empower your web application with feature-rich report preview, edit, and customization capabilities that allow you to explore data eas...
jQuery plugin that unobtrusively sets up jQuery.Validation.
Microsoft Identity based authentication and authorization service for .NET MVC Apps.
MVC 4 - 5 Controls Toolkit is a complete set of advanced server controls for MVC 3-MVC5 ranging from a templated edit-on line datagrid to date-picker and custom formatted textboxes, supporting client validation and globalization. MVC Controls Toolkit makes it easier to define new complex controls fo...
This package includes only modal login form, lost password form, register form and profile editing, deleting forms with bootstrap and JQuery for ASP.NET MVC Projects.
JoshuaCMS is a Content Management System for Microsoft mvc 4.
Default username: admin
Default password: root
MVCForum is a fully featured ASP.NET MVC 5 discussion board/forum. The software has some features similar to that seen on StackOverFlow plus LOTS more.
An extension to the jQuery Validation Plugin which makes it use Globalize for number and date parsing (enabling simple internationalized validation).
Dynamic Modal makes it easier to create popup modals in your web application. the modal will load a Partial View as ajax request and convert your forms submit methods to Ajax submit automatically, on load callback function can be passed as parameter, in addition to after submit callback function can...
Ad Hoc Report Builder and Embedded Analytics that allows programmers to easily add Report building functionality to their ASP .NET Web Application
Provides MVC HTML helper extensions that marry jQuery Validation's native unobtrusive support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes with MVC's ability to generate data attributes from Model metadata. Please look at the project site for demos and documentation.
This is a component oriented programming approach when building a front end with TypeScript
Addtional methods for the jQuery Validation plug-in.
NOTE: This package is maintained on behalf of the library owners by the NuGet Community Packages project at
Overrides jQuery validator's default settings to show a bootstrap glyphicon inside input elements which have errors. Hides default error message labels and shows a tooltip on the icons instead.
Usage and more info :
Provides MVC HTML helper extensions that marry jQuery Validation's native unobtrusive support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes with MVC's ability to generate data attributes from Model metadata. Please look at the project site for demos and documentation.