Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on imbSCI.DataComplex - complex data structures

Total dependencies: 5

Data structures u by Web Exploration Model (imbWEM) library.
Static web site creation, templating, scriptable reporting and other support classes for reporting. imbSCI libraries will help you with in-code data annotation for easier reporting, some interesting data structures (like directed and free graphs, multidimensional collections…), serialization and dat...
imbSCI.BibTex is a comprehensive BibTex format API, allowing you to: Load, combine, modify and save BibTex citation definitions, access BibTex entries via value pair dictionaries (auto-discovery of entry fields) or via strong typed class; Extend basic BibTexEntryModel class to gain support less popu...
Collection of low-level methods text classification, stemming, term weighting, word embedding and other usefull classes from other authors and open source projects.
imbNLP core functional library with content decomposition, Bag-of-Terms, VSM/SSRM support, language evaluation, text analysis...