Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dynamic CSS for .net

Total dependencies: 43

Simple and efficient JavaScript and CSS minification for ASP.NET MVC
.NET library which minifies, compresses, combines, and caches JavaScript and CSS resources of ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC web applications. Simply put, this library helps your applications rank better with YSlow and PageSpeed.
Adds LESS processing capability to SquishIt.
Named themes plugin for dotless upgraded from Steve Cooper's repo
This adds LESS support to the Iron Man Framework.
An Umbraco plugin to read epub books online
A Super Simple Asset Bundler for NancyFx
LESS processing for System.Web.Optimization bundles.
CubeBuild Core is the dependency libraries for the public release CMS CubeBuild. It is incorporated into the default CubeBuild project, or can be integrated into any ASP.NET MVC application as an inbuild content manager.
Cruncher makes optimizing your resources easy. It can bundle unlimited combinations of remote and local CSS, Less, Sass, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript files. Combining them, minifying them, and caching them in the browser, Cruncher can handle nested css @import statements, re-maps relative resource ...
RequestReduce.SassLessCoffee is an add-on to RequestReduce which compiles DotLess and Sass CSS as well as Coffee scripts to be included in the RequestDeuce sprite generation, minification and bundling processing. Simply reference your .less, .sass, .scss and .coffee files with those extensions and R...
Punchy is a .NET library for web applications that minifies and combines javascript and css files into pre-configured bundles at runtime. It is based on Pithy.
Ядро фреймворка Meerkat
Extensions for Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework
On-the-fly image scaling and transformation, less to css, minify of javascripts, etc.
This package will add seamless support for LESS Stylesheets. This includes support for variables, nested rules, functions, inheritance, and complex calculations.
MVC 4 Extensions and Productivity Tools
LESS BundleTransform, HttpHandler for integrating with ASP.NET MVC 4