Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on d60.Cirqus

Total dependencies: 16

Azure Service Bus event dispatcher d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
NUnit integration for Cirqus testing tools
xUnit integration for Cirqus testing tools
Console application used to generated TypeScript typedefinitions for Cirqus commands and views.
SQLite event store for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
MongoDB stuff for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
NLog integration for Cirqus
PostgreSql stuff for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
TypeScript command interface definition generator for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
Entity Framework-based view manager for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
Serilog integration for Cirqus
Test helpers for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
MSSQL stuff for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
MSTest integration for Cirqus testing tools
HybridDb-based view manager for d60 event sourcing + cqrs kit
Typed ids for Cirqus