Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Bootstrap CSS

Total dependencies: 358

JQuery.Inflop.Bootstrap.Alert offers a simple way to show, manipulate and customize standard Bootstrap alerts by calling one jquery function.
Mobile Nav extends Twitter Bootstrap, the popular Front-end framework. Mobile Nav supports Bootstrap 3 and 4, enables full screen nav display, and maximizes click area in the mobile state, keeping site navigation fat finger free. Installs with SCSS and Less source. Has mixin for nav dropdowns and li...
An acceptance test driven development framework where C# is a first class citizen. It generates Gherkin and a report rather than that being the starting point.
BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.3.0 CSS framework. And, for the designers, we offer a free PSD Download. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers or designers to create elegant web apps. Compatible Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, S...
A simple jQuery plugin that uses the Bootstrap alert css classes to display info and error messages.
Bootstrap Notifications is a controller extension built with bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC projects. It enables you to easily notify your users per request from the controller.
a helper that can be used to show the modal dialog. user can invoke it multi time, but only one dialog is shown, and user have to invoke the same time "hide" to close it.
A simple jQuery plugin for using a Bootstrap progress bar as the visual representation for a timer.
This library is developed by Smalot, this package is just copy the library to nuget.
An HTML 5 audio player service and player controls directive for AngularJS
AngularMotion is an animation starter-kit built for AngularJS 1.2.0+
BootstrapAdditions is a CSS extension kit for TwitterBootstrap 3
Pagination or Pager in Bootstrap for .Net Framework.
Simple list builder component for Bootstrap.
JavaScript and LESS/CSS for creating Bootstrap-themed trees (to display hierarchical data).
Packages together the PageDown markdown editor with the Bootstrap framework and the Font-Awesome icons.
Management web pages for SiGyl Opc
Bootstrap style for Dynamic Controls