Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Provides an Autofac enabled bootstrapper for Caliburn.Micro.
WorkData是一个轻量级的框架,用于在.NET Framework/Core构建服务。框架的目标是提供项目常用的基础设施功能
An extension for Autofac-IoC to use AutoMapper with ease.
basic autofac work for transformalize
This package provides utilities for AspNetCore.
This package helps to generate client proxy for an api using the Refit library. It adds cache and retries using Polly to the generated proxies. User logic can also be added as wrappers to the requests or to the method calls.
ASP.NET Web API 5 Integration for Autofac
surging is a distributed micro service framework that provides high-performance RPC remote service calls, using Zookeeper, Consul as the registration center for surging services, integrating hash, random, polling as a load balancing algorithm, RPC integration using the netty framework, Using asynchr...
surging is a distributed micro service framework that provides high-performance RPC remote service calls, using Zookeeper, Consul as the registration center for surging services, integrating hash, random, polling as a load balancing algorithm, RPC integration using the netty framework, Using asynchr...
Durable and reliable long running and background jobs processing. Features: Detailed progress tracking. Stop, reset, and restart jobs. Scale out with multiple Shift servers. Encryption for serialized data. Run in most .NET apps, Windows services, Azure WebJobs. Auto removal of completed jobs. Can us...
Some helpers for streamlining Alexa C# Lambda functions. Breaking changes: - AlexaIntent no longer has the parameters passed into the ctor - The old container is gone in favour of AutoFac - Registering dependencies is done via RegisterDependencies -- This enables ctor injection to work in any Inten...
Easy-to-use, readable and comprehensive library for consuming TeamCity REST API. Written using real scenarios in mind, enables variuos range of queries and operation on TeamCity
mesesage queue, service discovery, tenanty-like EF Core query filters. auditing entities, generic repository.
Allows to inject properties of classes by using annotations.
mesesage queue, service discovery, tenanty-like EF Core query filters. auditing entities, generic repository.
mesesage queue, service discovery, tenanty-like EF Core query filters. auditing entities, generic repository.
Very Simple Proof of Concept Parser for Simple Arithmetic Expressions which supports Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Function Calls and Variables
Code base for Xibao product