Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ASP.NET Suppress Forms Authentication Redirect

Total dependencies: 8

Library built on top of DotNetDesign.Substrate that exposes a web-api using the new MVC 4 ApiController
!!!Instruction!!! 1)Rename Service1 to WinService 2)Install nuget package 3)Insert your namespace in app.config instead __NAMESPACE__ 4)Write "debug" to project->properties->debug->arguments of command line
Authenticates service requests using your Membership Provider. Due to WebApi requirement for ASP.NET it also suppresses Forms Redirect by leveraging aspnet.suppressformsredirect Package.
Authenticates service requests using Windows Identity Foundation and SimpleWebToken (wif.swf). Due to WebApi requirement for ASP.NET it also suppresses Forms Redirect by leveraging aspnet.suppressformsredirect Package.