Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ZayniFramework3.Validation

Total dependencies: 5

The Middle.ServiceHost.Entity define the entities and DTOs for Middle.ServiceHost and Middle.ServiceHost.Client module.
The Middle.Service.Client is the client SDK for Middle.Service module. You can use it to connect, send RPC request or publish message to the server side's service host very easy. Support TCPSocket, WebSocket and RabbitMQ protocol.
The Middle.Service module provide a self-hosted .NET middleware framework to separate the communication protocol detail with your business logic code. You can use it to build the backend microservices easier. Support TCPSocket, WebSocket and RabbitMQ protocol. You can also implement the IRemoteHost ...
This is a cache management for .NET application. You can store you data in in-process memory, Redis server, MySQL memory table engine or Zayni Framework's build-in Remote.ShareData.Service.
This is an extension module for Zayni Framework's Middle.Service module. It define the http request entities for Middle.Service.HttpCore and Middle.Service.HttpCore.Client.