Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on YamlDotNet

Total dependencies: 353

Utility class lib.
Kotori core library.
Utility library for smaller miscellaneous problems.
Synapse.Core supports integration for building/executing Synapse Plans. This is the signed version of the package.
Provides utility methods for ASP.NET Core.
A application daemon for writing automations for the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net 5. This is the NetDaemon core capabilities.
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Entity Framework Core source files.
Code generator
Code generator
Library for KMD Logic Gateway Automation
Service to provide Internet Of Things (IOT) integration using MQTT.
Base library to build lite CMS Website
MinecraftBE Server
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for parsing Yaml content.
ASP.NET Core InputFormatter, OutputFormatter for Yaml
R7.Dnn.Extensions (formerly DotNetNuke.R7) is a library for DNN Platform web CMS extensions development (primarily, modules). It includes DAL2-based generic controller, a set of base classes for modules, useful extension methods for webcontrols and strings, various utilities and even some DNN versio...
The Q# compiler.
The eBay OAuth Client Library supports different grant flows: Client Credentials, Authorization Code and Refresh Token. eBay OAuth Client is a class library that targets the .NET Standard 2.0. This library can be used by any .NET implementation that supports 2.0 version of the .NET Standard.The libr...