Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on This package modifies the DevExpress references in all Xpand.XAF.* assemblies to match the target project DevExpress version

Total dependencies: 35

The `Microsoft.Calendar` package integrates with the Office365 Calendar cloud service.
The `Microsoft` authenticates against Azure Active Directory and queries the MSGraph endpoints.
The `Google` package authenticates against the Google Cloud services.
This package integrates with the Google Tasks cloud service.
The `Google.Calendar` package integrates with the Google Calendar cloud service.
The DocumentStyleManager can re-brand a large number of documents using style templates.
This package integrates with the Office365 Todo cloud service.
The `OneView` will display one view only with the option to edit the model.
The `GridListEditor` module hosts features related to XAF GridListEditor.
The `Reactive.Logger.Hub` transmits or receives the execution pipeLine flow.
The `Reactive.Logger.Client.Win` is an executable able connect to any XAF app that uses the `Reactive.Logger.Hub`.
The `JobScheduler.Hangfire` package integrates Hangfire for fire & forget job schedules.
The `Blazor` package hosts and activates Blazor specific XAF artifacts (Editors, Services, etc).