Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

A wrapper around microsoft identity connector and microsoft graph api to access onedrive content. This is an evolution of the old Xamarin.OneDrive.Connector
FutureFlag.Forms: a feature flag library designed to target Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Forms utils.
A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use Switch(Toggle) with incredible convenience, with multiple colors in title available.
xamarin, ...
ALabs 项目 Xamarin.Forms 类库
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms
This package contains EventToCommand to prevents that a XamarinForms control calls events from code behind and call them from ViewModel.
[Xamarin]A nice separator with dash functionality and text and image inside optionally, being automatically scalable.
This is a recompile of the project that references Xamarin Forms and Mapsui 1.4.7. This is a one off.
Bringing Voxeet's Conferenkit to Xamarin.Forms
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
An easy and practical icon button with a unique and beautiful design (Standard). Contains several properties IconType, ColorUI, Width, Height and type.