Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Forms

Total dependencies: 1874

EntryAutoComplete is a custom control with functionality that provides you with suggestions while typing. There are several modes of suggestions. The suggested text can be displayed in a drop-down list so that you can choose from different options.
Efficient way to add a shimmering effect to your Xamarin.Forms applications.
Live XAML previewer for Xamarin Forms
This package is based on Freshmvvm using .net standard2.0 and some other changes
Dap with Xamarin.Forms and Fabulous
This package allows you use fontawesome in xamarin forms projects. You should copy the files fa-brands-400.ttf, fa-regular-400.ttf, fa-solid-900.ttf from the repository to the desired platform(Android/Assets, iOS/Resources)
Xamarin forms autocomplete bindable control
Simple mvvm framework for Xamarin forms
A custom view for Xamarin.Forms supporting multiple children views along with scrolling navigation to the views.
NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
Controles Customs for Xamarin Forms
A fast & simple radio button for Xamarin.Forms.
A Xamarin Froms control to achieve multi-directional sliding panel/drawer view control.
Dap Custom Controls for Xamarin.Forms
A library to enable direct binding of events in your views and methods in the view models, provide easy way of creating commands and commands collection, and also create data preview of your view models at design time.
Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms. Customizable border thickness, color, background colors and formats. Version 1.0.8 or lower Built against: Version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 Built against: -> Forked from original project by RebeccaXam Version 1...
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This is a assembly with some Xamarin.Forms Binders,Controls,ViewModels,Models,Services.
This is a simple Autocomplete control of fuzzy query