Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin.Essentials

Total dependencies: 267

TinyInsights is an abstraction for multiple analytics providers. This is a provider for Azure Application Insights.
six-digit code entry view added.
Flynk's enhanced iOS customised UI components for Xamarin Forms based mobile applications.
Flynk's enhanced UI components for Xamarin Forms based mobile applications.
Receive and handle push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
Extends the Label control with Markdown capabilities
This Melbourne App Development Persistence Framework plugin provides methods to perform common persistence functionality that most business apps require.
XCore - UIControls component for Xamarin Android
SupportUIXF is a open source project that aims to provide a powerful and cross platform set of controls and helpers tailored to work with Xamarin Forms.
Core library for Xamarin Forms application with customizable view-model-based navigation. Also includes http client request/response handling and some other odds and ends to assist with the creation of a new Xamarin Forms application. This package can provide a great initial foundation for any Xam...
Package Description
MonoGame library for periodically asking the user to rate your app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store
Simple framework that provides base classes for View and ViewModel in MVVM architectural pattern. Also you can display custom popups in a simple way on your view and use extensions methods and extended style for controls and layouts.
Batteries included Rest Client for Xamarin
The definitive rapid application development framework for building Android and Apple mobile applications using Xamarin.
The home module contains common functionality and essetntials required to build an app home page
The Contacts UI module contains common functionality and essentials required to build the Contacts UI of an app.
Fork of Redth/ZXing.Net.Mobile adding extra camera features.