Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on .NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) AndroidX - core

Total dependencies: 111

Xamarin.Android Binding for HeyAlex's ExpandableCardView.
SmartRefresh.Layout Binding for Xamarin Android. Commonly Used Types: com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.SmartRefreshLayout -> Com.Scwang.Smartrefresh.Layout.SmartRefreshLayout com.scwang.smartrefresh.layout.header.ClassicsHeader -> Com.Scwang.Sma...
SmartRefresh.Header Binding for Xamarin Android. Commonly Used Types: com.scwang.smartrefresh.header.BezierCircleHeader -> Com.Scwang.Smartrefresh.Header.BezierCircleHeader
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.tvprovider:tvprovider'.
Easily upload files (FTP / Multipart / Binary) in the background with progress indication notification
Xamarin.Android Binding for Haruki Hasegawa's Material Shadow 9-Patch. This library provides 9-patch based drop shadow for view elements. Works on API level 14 or later.
Xamarin.Android Binding for JDevZone's FillProgressLayout. A simple and flexible Android Fillable Progress Layout
Xamarin.Android Bindings for Jamshid M's IGRefreshLayout. An Instagram like refresh layout for Android.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.contentpager:contentpager'.
PermissionDispatcher's permissionDispatcher bindings for Xamarin
Xamarin.Android bindings for Flutter Image Picker plugin (image_picker)