Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - recyclerview-v7

Total dependencies: 262

Xamarin Binding Library - ImagePicker
Xamarin Binding Library - Zhihu Matisse, a well-designed local image and video selector for Android
Simple yet powerful skeleton animation for all view in Android.
Xamarin Forms wrapper for android and iOS Intercom SDKs
Easy List Search View for Xamarin.Android
Android dialog with arrow indicator in the location where you want
MvvmCross plugin for creating Android overlay views and show/close it with NavigationService
Class library for accelerating Xamarin.Android development. Note: If you encounter layout inflation exceptions (could be masked as NotFoundException, or some issue with text_color_secondary.xml etc), make sure you define colorControlNormal and use a style with that attribute defined.
Binding library of
An Android's expandable Layout to save space and reduce jump between Activity and Fragment
RecyclerView snapping example with SnapHelper for Xamarin.Android
An infinite scrolling timeline to pick a date for Android
Simple view to draw basic circles.
A fully material-designed about fragment for Xamarin.Android application
ShimmerViewRenderer implementation for Xamarin.Android
Mapbox Android Plug-in Offline binding library for Xamarin.Android
Easy photo gallery picker for Android
iOS and Android modular and customizable controls and components for developers
A custom Android RecyclerView with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading. The recycler view has a built-in adapter to control the shimmer appearance and provide two methods