Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - support-v4

Total dependencies: 612

Donky Core functionality for Xamarin Android
Binding library of version: 9de3036db
Xamarin.Android binding for the Layer Android SDK.
Appercode UI Framework allows to build user interfrace of cross-platform mobile applications with single XAML layout.
Mixpanel bindings for Xamarin
Invention for Android.
Xamarin Bindings library for Alerter -
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
A Xamarin port of the Android FlycoPageIndicator library.
Create TabStrip style tabbed navigation control. Configure control to have custom navigation headers and custom navigation arrows.
RxApp view bindings and navigation support for the Android Support library v4.
GoogleMapsUtils library for Xamarin Android.
Reactive extension wrappers for Xamarin's Firebase Database packages (iOS and Android).
Android Swipe Layout provides a layout which enables view to be swiped away to reveal other views underneath..
A very simple library that allows you to stick any View as a header of a ListView, RecyclerView or ScrollView.
Xamarin bindings for NoNonsense-FilePicker library v4.1.0. NoNonsense-FilePicker is a file/directory-picker for android.