Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - support-v4

Total dependencies: 612

Image Cropping Library for Android (Native Version). This is native code version to preserve image quality.
Fully customizable calendar for Xamarin.Android with a wide variety of features and displaying modes.
Xamarin.Android Binding for VRG Soft's Timeline View
Mapbox Android Plug-in Offline binding library for Xamarin.Android
Add voice, video and text chat to your app in minutes!
高德3D地图 Xamarin.Android绑定库
Xamarin.Android library for drawing curves on Google Maps Android API v2
Image Cropping Library for Android
Easily show image list (url or drawable) in dialog.
ImageView zoom library for Android. It's simple show image library.
A highly flexible set of lovely looking views that provides functionality of Preferences for Xamarin.Android.
An android library that brings the floating action button expandable
ShimmerViewRenderer implementation for Xamarin.Android
Android Material theme for preference widgets. Backporting the material look and functionality. Available from API 14. Connecting preference-v7 to appcompat-v7.
A fully and highly customizable material designed Toast for Android.
Custom Android spinner that inspired by Instagram language chooser
Android library to create simple alerts easily with some customization.
A library creates spinners for Android that really work