Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - exifinterface

Total dependencies: 34

Library of Tweet UI ( TweetMediaView component.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android.
Easily crop and rotate image
Android-Image-Cropper bindings for Xamarin.Android.
IT-Enterprise CoreDroid for Xamarin Forms
Xamarin.Android bindings for Office UI Fabric
Biblioteca para tirar fotos, selecionar da galeria e cortar.