Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - support-annotations

Total dependencies: 299

Xamarin wrapper for BottomNavigationViewEx plugin created by Ittianyu
Simple color cross fade utility for Android. Supported types: RGB, ARGB, HSV, HSV (with alpha).
android-bootstrap bind libary
Mapbox.Android.Accounts binding for Xamarin.Android
Helper Android Xamarin
XCore - Xamarin Android native component for mobile cross platform application
Package Description
Xamarin Android Library - Permutive Android GoogleAds SDK
IT-Enterprise CoreDroid for Xamarin Forms
Custom Search bar
indigitall's library for Xamarin.Android
A dialog for asking user to update the mobile app (Android/iOS), and navigate to the store if agreed Not including any system to manage updates, e.g. check for updates Currently for internal use only Docs:
A dialog for asking user to update the mobile app (Android/iOS), and navigate to the store if agreed Not including any system to manage updates, e.g. check for updates Currently for internal use only Docs:
Renders a camera preview on a xamarin view