Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Xamarin Android Support Library - animated-vector-drawable

Total dependencies: 166

Xamarin Binding Library - Zendesk Chat
XCore - Navigator component for Xamarin Android
An empowered Xamarin.Forms' BoxView with 2-color gradients.
How many times have you said "when was this app built" or "which version affects this bug"? Forget those, from now on just strongly shake your device and we'll show you when the app was built. That simple. With Xamarin.Forms in mind, it also works on classical Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS project...
Renderer para login com facebook, utilizando xamarin auth
Xamarin Binding Library - Zendesk SDK
Subset of custom controls for Xamarin Forms
RibbonView for Android
Simple listener-based API to handle runtime permissions and with Xiaomi's Permissions support.
Xamarin bindings library for the Android CounterFab library
Xamarin Bindings library for bug-fixed fork:
A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
C# bindings for
This library is translated from BottomBar( v2.1.1
Create an awesome About Page for your Android App in 2 minutes
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
C# bindings for
Invention for Android.