Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Wonka.MetaData

Total dependencies: 4

Relying heavily on the Nethereum project, this library contains classes that interact with the Ethereum foundation and that extend the Wonka engine, particulary the base class WonkaBizRulesEngine in the Wonka.BizRulesEngine library. With the funtionality provided here, Wonka becomes a business rule...
This library will supply extended functionality to the Wonka rules engine in the form of various adapters, so that the user can easily provide the engine with ways to extract data from alternate sources (databases, Ethereum contracts, etc.).
This library contains the base implementation of the Wonka engine and its supporting classes. The Wonka engine is a business rules engine that is inherently metadata-driven, and it forms the base class for other functionality/classes that interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
This library (with help from the Wonka.Metadata library) provides classes that form a logical record which can be consumed by the Wonka engine. These logical records are essentially aggregates of Attributes (i.e., the data definitions that make up the data domain). When the Wonka engine runs, it p...