Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Windows Azure Storage

Total dependencies: 1191

WindowsAzure ServiceBus transport for EzBus
An abstraction library for Windows Azure storage library.
Logs HTTP trace information into Azure table and blob storage
Package Description
An Orleans grain state provider which persists state in JSON format in Azure Blob Storage
Azure Table Storage Brain for NBot
SuperMassive is a small condensed framework of reusable .NET components and utility classes. It's your supermassive .NET swiss army knife.
Azure Table Storage provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0
Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
Productivity enhancements to support CQRS
The assemblies needed for running (and scaling out) MVC Forum on Azure with attachments, search indexes and logging in blob storage.
ASP.Net identity utilities for Azure
WACEL provides implementation of high-level data structures that can be shared among your services and application. You can use WACEL data structures just as if you were using local data structures such as arrays, tables, circular buffers and OLAP cubes, and these data structures are backed by Windo...
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#