Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on [Deprecated] Azure Mobile Services .NET Backend

Total dependencies: 5

This package contains common infrastructure needed when exposing structured storage as part of your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. Th...
This package contains everything you need to incorporate SignalR into your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. This library should not be ...
This package contains various security extensions for your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. This library should not be used for new p...
This library allows you to easily generate scoped SAS tokens for resources such as Azure Storage.
This helper library makes it easier to create .Net-backed Azure Mobile Services. It includes helper controller base classes and it allows client applications and services to share the same entity class files (though file linking). Simply reference SolerSoft.Data.Client in the cl...