Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebSocketSharp-netstandard

Total dependencies: 31 implemention for .NET
Realtime-csharp is written as a client library for supabase/realtime.
Official obs-websocket .NET library. Written in C#. Supports .NET Standard
Based on project Sharp.Xmpp, this package allow XMPP features using Web socket Several extensions have been added to support Rainbow features (
The runtime core provides step-based execution for multi-agent simulations in distributed environments as well as polyglot result output with different output types such as (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, CSV, GeoJson Socket, ...). For furher details please use the documentatio...
The Binance CryptoCurrency exchange C# wrapper of the API. It is built in dotnet core, supports all REST and WebSocket endpoints, has full logging capabilities, a built in Cache for selected endpoints, a Rate limiter and more. Enjoy Binance API data, fast and reliably.
Configured host, with generators, modules for logging, console and config
A .NET library written in C# to communicate with an obs-websocket server.
WSCF (WebSocket Communication Foundation) 就是 抄 微软的WCF, 但有 推送功能。
WebSockets Server API
This package contains an implementation of IDDHubAdaptor interface
MIG is a .NET library providing an integrated solution for developing multi-protocol networked applications and real time web applications.
Chaos strategy is a software development strategy based on the chaos model. Its main rule is to always solve the most important problems first.
Simple websocket server to allow easy communication between a web browser and server.
ExchangeAPI FOR Binance
remaster of
A .Net jet peer written in C#.
Low level implementation of Chrome DevTools Protocol