Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebDbConnector .NET Library

Total dependencies: 4

The EfNewWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using EF New DbContext ORM.
The EfOldWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using EF Old ObjectContext ORM.
The Linq2SqlWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the SQL Server database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using Linq To Sql ORM.
The SqlAdoWebDbConnector is a .NET library used to create and maintain only an unique connection to the SQL Server database per request in the Asp.Net web applications using Ado.Net.