Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebActivatorEx

Total dependencies: 395

JavaScript URL routing for ASP.NET MVC. Allows you to use your ASP.NET MVC routes from JavaScript. Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
Auto document all of your WEB APIs and centralize documentation using API platform.
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects!
Appends SHA sum of file as querystring, caches value and watches file system for changes.
This is the elision foundation package to reference if you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference the elision foundation. If you need to install Elision's foundation layer, use the Elision.Foundation package instead.
Elision is a framework to make Sitecore development faster and easier.
Adds StructureMap as the dependency resolver for WebForms.
Dependency Injection in "Classic" ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET-hosted WCF using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
This package extends upon the Twitter.Typeahead library and the Twitter.Typeahead.MVC library by hooking typeahead to MVC models. With a few configuration tweaks, you'll be connecting typeahead.js to your model in minutes! View a step-by-step tutorial on how to use this package at http://timdwilson....
This is a basic framework built on top of Craig's Utility Library. It's designed for MVC. This was formerly called Batman Framework, but apparently BatmanJS is a thing and people were getting confused...
Automates the building of CRUD view models from decorated class definitions
Adds SCSS processing capability to SquishIt. Can compile .scss files using the NSass wrapper around the libsass C library. Use this package if you require faster or more up to date SCSS support and don't need to support the legacy SASS file extension.
ASP.NET MVC Application Framework contains helper classes, extensions, and scripts that assist with building web applications.
Automatically creates Elmah database on SQL server using Entity Framework migrations. No manual configuration of database required.
Adds Sass processing capability to SquishIt. Can compile .sass and .scss files. SASS / SCSS compilation is performed by libsass-net, a .net wrapper around the libsass engine.
Adds CoffeeScript processing capability to SquishIt.
Adds Hogan processing capability to SquishIt.
JavaScript URL routing for ASP.NET MVC. Allows you to use your ASP.NET MVC routes from JavaScript. Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
Adds Hogan processing capability to SquishIt using Internet Explorer's javascript engine.
A grid for ASP.NET MVC and Bootstrap with ajax paging and sorting. Also has filtering support, export to csv, back button support, and graceful degradation. Easily configurable. All AJAX calls are handled for you... Simply tell it how to get your data!