Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebActivator

Total dependencies: 258

SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (WebApi).
Zipped XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
Packaging and configuration for the Microsoft.Web.Optimization package.
Easy, non-configuration based, http error handling for Asp.Net MVC 3.
Automatically reload stylesheets in all web browsers as soon as a CSS file changes.