Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Wave Service Bus

Total dependencies: 18

Integrates the Castle Windsor IoC framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the AutoFac IoC framework into Wave Service Bus.
Allows Wave Service Bus applications to be hosted as TopShelf services.
Integrates the NInject IoC framework into Wave Service Bus.
Enables XML serialization support for Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the Json.NET serialization library into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the NLog logging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the Log4Net logging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the CommonsLogging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the Unity IoC framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the StructureMap IoC framework into Wave Service Bus.
RabbitMQ transport for Wave Service Bus.
MSMQ Transport for Wave Service Bus.
Use if you are testing your Wave Service Bus services with xUnit.
Use if you are testing your Wave Service Bus services with NUnit.
Use if you are testing your Wave Service Bus services with MSTest.
Allows Wave Service Bus applications to be hosted within IIS applications.
Integrates the ServiceStack.Text JSON serialization library into Wave Service Bus.