Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Internal package used to execute and store data on SqlServer

Total dependencies: 8

The application firewall that can be used in .NET 5.0, .Net CORE 3.1 and .NET standard 2.1 applications that would benefit for protection against several types of attacks and is easily activated by service integration. services.AddFireWall(FireWallTrial.License, FireWallTrial.DomainKey , d...
Package that enable SQL Server database storage and logging to NuGet package Walter.Web.Firewall The NuGet package is easily activated by dependency injection during service configuration services.AddFireWall(FireWallTrial.License, FireWallTrial.DomainKey , domainName: new Uri("https://www...
Provide insight into the communication between the server hosting the website and the outside world and allows the users to observe communication and look for irrational or known malicious interaction. The static class that exposes this functionality can be found at Walter.Net.LookWhosTalking.Who...
Cookie store for use with the firewall allowing to not store any GDPR data in cookies but keep all references local. You can read and write these cookies using the User in the page request object that is injected in all your controllers. To integrate the Cookie Store database use the UseDBCoo...
Use the Userstack service to extend the firewall's UserAgent meta data. To use the software use dependency injection during services registration services.AddFireWall(FireWallTrial.License, FireWallTrial.DomainKey , domainName: new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute) ,...
The Package adds E-Mail based reporting functionality to NuGet package Walter.Web.Firewall and allows for the logging of incidents via E-Mail by using a E-Mail buffer and sends the emails at configured intervals. The NuGet package is easily activated by dependency injection during service conf...