Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Vostok.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 52

.NET client for Apache Cassandra thrift interface
HTTP transport for .NET Framework based on WebRequest class.
Package Description
This library contains a configuration source based on Hashicorp Vault secrets.
This library allows to deploy and run a local Hercules cluster for testing purposes.
Extensions allowing to inject trace context information into log event properties.
This library allows to deploy and run a local Kafka server for testing purposes.
This library allows to deploy and run a local ZooKeeper cluster for testing purposes.
An implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.ILogger that writes log events to Vostok ILog.
An implementation of replica weight modifier based on externally computed weights stored in Service Discovery registry.
A bridge from Vostok ILog interface to Log4Net ILogger.
An utility library containing helper classes for working with processes.
Integration with Vostok.Context library: ambient context prefixes, properties enrichment.
This library contains a transport implementation built upon SocketsHttpHandler and targeting .NET Core 2.1+.
This library contains a transport implementation built upon native WinHttpHandler/CurlHandler and targeting .NET Core 2.0.
A bridge from Vostok ILog interface to Serilog ILogger.
Code generation mechanics for documents conversion and validation
Engine for printing Excel documents with templates
General-purpose .NET library for reading and processing event timelines using several "blades"