Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Vintasoft.Imaging.FormsProcessing
Total dependencies: 5
Classes, which define how OCR form fields must be shown in WPF image viewer. Classes, which define how user can interact with OCR form fields in WPF image viewer.
Classes, which define OCR form fields. Classes, which define how OCR form fields must be shown in WinForms image viewer. Classes, which define how user can interact with OCR form fields in WinForms image viewer.
Display and interact with recognized form fields (OMR, text, barcodes) on an image in WPF image viewer. Edit form field templates and interact with form field templates on an image in WPF image viewer. Define how form fields (OMR, text, barcodes) must be shown in WPF image viewer. Define how user ca...
Classes, which define how OCR form fields must be shown in WinForms image viewer. Classes, which define how user can interact with OCR form fields in WinForms image viewer.
Display and interact with recognized form fields (OMR, text, barcodes) on an image in WinForms image viewer. Edit form field templates and interact with form field templates on an image in WinForms image viewer. Define how form fields (OMR, text, barcodes) must be shown in WinForms image viewer. Def...