Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Input and runtime validation

Total dependencies: 82

Algolia ContenSearch provider for Sitecore 8.2
Algolia ContenSearch provider for Sitecore 7
Algolia ContenSearch provider for Sitecore 8
Algolia ContenSearch provider for Sitecore 8.1
Package Description
A common library for PCL containing useful 'helpers' for MvvmCross.
PCL Testing is a simple test framework for writing portable tests and running them on .NET, Windows Phone, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Silverlight.
LooUQ iotQi framework device client for classic .NET platforms
Combines the original DotNetOpenAuth.Core and DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2 projects. OAuth 2.0 client support only.
PCL version of KeePass 2.x library
Implementation of the data sources provided by Windows AppStudio. This library enable access to different data source like RSS, Bing, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Waves Platform C# crypto library
Provides a set of validation and runtime checking extension methods which permits a more fluent programming style.
The Engine of Source Code Generation used by the `dotnet-cgr` tool.
Wrapper library for Prism.Forms Library providing additional application services not available in Prism
Enables automated tests with HTTP calls to avoid incurring the cost and instability of network traffic by recording a "live" test run and replaying it for subsequent test runs.
Helper methods to access web config app settings