Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Unity

Total dependencies: 726

Crafting library for Path of Exile
MVVM friendly library for easy navigation management in WPF application
IoC, NLog, Log by Aspect, Ext: (Json, Linq, String)
先驱开发SDK 目前已支持群消息,私聊消息,群临时,启动,关闭等事件
Share dotnet C# IoC implementation, used at Agoda.
Aurora Framework container for tabbed views
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
Package Description
Provides helpful extensions and new classes for Unity based applications.
Implementation of Reusable Library Abstractions Dependency Resolver (IoC) for Unity. LifetimeManagers: WorkItem, WebRequest.
Common utilities are covered in this package.
CodeCop Setup Unity container adapter
Database code utilities are covered in this package.
Wcf service hosted under an Hybrid Service. Will run as Console Application on interactive environment otherwise will run as a Windows service. Services instances will be created using Unity as dependency injection container.
Unity.Patterns provides extensions for Unity dependency injection framework. The main focus is on Registration by Convention and the Decorator pattern.
DI wrapper helper for Unity
Extension for the Unity IoC container that makes it easy to track IDisposable instances created during Resolve(), in order to dispose of them cleanly.
Yet another MVVM library.